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Last update: 12 February 2019, 17:48

The Albugnesi on past centuries have handed down some culinary recipes:

the "ciape": slices of pears, apples and prunes dried in the sun or in the oven;

the "friar's sauce": mixture of honey, walnut oil, cider vinegar and celery juice with aphrodisiac effects;

the "tincture of the friars": an infusion of herbs used for digestive teas, as a thirst quencher and as a remedy for rheumatic pains;

the "puré of the canons of Vezzolano": made with field mushrooms and wild spinach;

the "bagna cauda of friendship": consumed in the cafeteria of the friars and considered as a dish around which all discord can be smoothed out, especially if it is a good glass of wine to water it; it is said that it was precisely in Albugnano, during a plague epidemic, that garlic was used for the first time as an ingredient, since, if cooked in walnut oil, it was considered an effective remedy against contagion.